Welcome to my blog, where I share some technical bits and generally speak into the void. I imagine keeping this common section clean should be fairly easy, but if I am a bit slow there’s only one of me. I’ve decided to turn comments on to allow for some interaction, but of course, this is a privilege and not a right. To make sure things are all good, here are the comment guidelines:
Be polite – don’t be rude to anyone and respect others. If something you would say would get you bottled on the head offline, please don’t say it here. Remember there is a person behind the screen and that your words affect people.
Don’t troll. We appreciate and welcome criticism towards posts, but comments that add no value to the discussion or that are merely insulting would be deleted without exception.
Spam? Goodbye. We understand that you may make thousands of dollars working from home, however, we are not interested. Please refrain from posting or we’ll give you a hand and show both you and your post the door.
To put it in a simple sentence, the guidelines boil down to “Don’t be a dick”. If you don’t follow any of these guidelines, not only will I remove the comment, but I may also ban you from participating in future discussions.
These comment guidelines were lightly adapted from the great guidelines over at MSPoweruser.