Jake's Weekly - 2nd May 2022

Research Project Dissertation draft A block of progress on the stuff learnt so far and how each of the namespaces can be modified to create a void. The work is available here on Overleaf (permissions required), here on Gitea (no permissions required), and a current draft is available here. Finished Table 1 (history of namespaces). I haven’t mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite....

May 2, 2022 · 5 min · Jake Hillion

Jake's Weekly - 25th April 2022

Research Project Dissertation draft A block of progress on the stuff learnt so far and how each of the namespaces can be modified to create a void. The work is available here on Overleaf (permissions required), here on Gitea (no permissions required), and a current draft is available here. Finished Table 1 (history of namespaces). I haven’t mentioned it in the write up but this was horrible to firstly find the answers to and secondly to cite....

April 25, 2022 · 5 min · Jake Hillion

Jake's Weekly - 28th March 2022

Research Project Programming Built a new VoidBuilder struct to better align with how creating a void is described in the writing (void.rs). A new builder describes a complete Linux void. Methods allow you to make it less of a void as you see fit. This aligns well with the structure in the write up. Creating a void first then adding only precisely what is needed to it. It’s also a much higher level API that’s object oriented....

March 28, 2022 · 3 min · Jake Hillion

Jake's Weekly - 14th March 2022

Research Project Read Capsicum (Watson et al., 2010) I re-read this paper, but in the context of my project’s work, it provided some incredibly useful insight. I’ve listed the most important takeaways here, but there are more. My niche might now be figured out. Capsicum discusses eliminating dual-coding by only being in the code, at the cost of potential static analysis. By using high-level language integrations, I think that my solution can achieve both being integral to the code and having a static description....

March 14, 2022 · 3 min · Jake Hillion

Jake's Weekly - 28th Feb 2022

Research Project Process Isolation Expanded the shim with so called PipeTriggers. Wrote an example for this (examples/pipes/main.rs). Wrote the specification for this application to be launched with the shim (examples/pipes/spec.json). I think this is very neat and certainly a focal point of the project. This style of request driven programming that the shim enables with a powerful level of privilege dropping each time should be useful. The spec is also pretty easy to parse and even write for this too....

February 28, 2022 · 4 min · Jake Hillion